Book donations are back!
* The Friends of the Wellfleet Library will accept, with thanks, your used high-quality books at the book shed at the Wellfleet Transfer Station
every Tuesday from 11:00-noon
Ask for details in the Library
The Friends of the Wellfleet Library are a volunteer organization with membership open to any and all who would like to provide special support to our prize-winning community library.
The Friends make possible many activities that are very unusual in a library of our size. This provides an important enhancement to the support the library receives from the town.
Friends Board members, along with others in the community, also care for the plantings in the garden around the library.
With our members’ help, each year the Friends fund---and sometimes plan---these popular programs:
Music, dance, poetry, and art events
Music for the winter months
Presentations by women scientists during Women’s History Month
Special acquisitions for families and adults, new technologies
Admission passes to sites on Cape Cod and museums in the Boston area
Online services such as Freegal music and Kanopy film streaming
Youth programs year-round
A Distinguished Speaker and huge book sale in summer
How you can help:
Those who would like to volunteer with book sales or other events may leave their contact information at the circulation desk.
Funds are raised through memberships, donations and bequests, book sales, and the Distinguished Speaker in summer. We are very grateful for contributions of any size. We are a non-profit 501c(3) organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.
For those who wish to donate via a PayPal account, the link is To donate other ways, or to update your contact information, write to us at
If you’d like more regular communications from the Wellfleet Library about events, do also subscribe to the Mermaid Memo on the home page of this website.