Click on any image below to open it in a larger window. Once opened, you can see the name and a description of the variety, the source, and if there are issues with its AVAILABILITY. See this info by moving your mouse over the image, or via the dot in the lower right corner on mobile devices. You may scroll through the images in this large format. If we have less than 10 packs of a variety, it is marked as “limited availability” and is in short supply. If you would like information on starting your seeds, see our helpful files on our seed library page.

This year we are encouraging patrons to come in to the library to pick out their seed packets, but we are also continuing to provide curbside services to those who cannot come in.

This year we have some varieties packed in bags. We encourage you to reuse the bags, or, if you are careful not to damage the bag, consider returning it when you have planted the seeds and we will use it again next year.


To browse our seed drawers, come in during open hours and enjoy.

To place a request for curbside pickup of seeds:
-PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK THAT YOU ARE NOT REQUESTING VARIETIES THAT SAY “OUT OF STOCK” or “ON ORDER”, we cannot accept requests for varieties not currently in stock.
- email a list of what you would like to
-Please be aware that availability changes more frequently than our website is updated, so the varieties you want may no longer be available when we fill the request.
- put “SEEDS” in the subject line,
- PLEASE include your PHONE NUMBER and NAME in the email

A staff member will phone you within 1 week to arrange a curbside pickup for you. Curbside service is offered during regular library hours.

Enjoy planning and planting your garden, and on behalf of the Friends of the Library, we wish you a bountiful harvest.

If you have questions about the seed library please contact Naomi at